Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Essay one Draft

Essay one Draft

Q Your complete rough draft of Essay One is due by 11:59 p.m. CST on Thursday, January 27. Be sure to upload your completed essay as a .doc or .docx file; you should save the document as "Essay One Peer Review_[your last name]" (mine would be saved as "Essay One Peer Review_Aucoin"). If your essay is incomplete or submitted any later than 11:59 p.m. CST on Thursday, January 27, via this Essay One Peer Review assignment, you will not be assigned to participate in this Peer Review session. Please see the "Essay One Assignment" page for a reminder of this essay assignment's requirements. To submit your Peer Review rough draft, click "Submit Assignment." Then, under "File Upload," click "Choose File" and browse to locate your rough draft. Once you've found your rough draft (saved as a .doc or .docx file), click "Open" (you should see the document then listed next to "Choose File"). Finally, click "Submit Assignment." You then should see a check mark next to "Submitted" and the date/time of your submission listed. Remember that your essay should be complete (both in content and in length). Of note, I will not provide you with written feedback for this assignment; instead, you will receive feedback from your assigned Peer Review classmates via assignment comments. ___________________________________________________________________ Secondly, on Friday morning (January 28), I will assign you two peer review partners (Edited to add: All peer review partners have been assigned.) You then should review each of your assigned classmates' essays by fully and accurately answer the following questions as an assignment comment for each of them: 1. Does the writer focus upon one brief, specific phrase (indicated by the use of quotation marks) throughout his/her essay? 2. Does the writer's thesis statement reference the specific phrase and include three (or, at most, four) thesis points? 3. Do these thesis points correspond with the given assignment for Essay One? 4. Does each thesis point correspond with one body paragraph? In other words, if the thesis has three points, does the writer have three body paragraph (one to correspond with each thesis point)? 5. Is the thesis statement the last sentence of the introduction paragraph? 6. Does the writer include a clear topic sentence for each body paragraph that aligns with the corresponding thesis point and indicates the importance of the phrase? 7. Does the writer include specific, personal details/stories/examples in each body paragraph? 8. Does the writer clearly relate these specific, personal details/stories/examples to his/her chosen phrase? 9. Does the writer end each body paragraph with a clear conclusion sentence? 10. Does the introduction paragraph engage and focus the reader’s attention? 11. In the conclusion paragraph, does the writer reiterate (not repeat) his/her thesis statement? 12. Does the writer comment on the public resonance of his/her relationship with the chosen phrase (likely in the conclusion paragraph)? 13. Are the introduction and conclusion paragraphs both concise? Remember that the body paragraphs should be of roughly equal length and should be the longest paragraphs in the essay. 14. Is the essay properly formatted in accordance with MLA (consider the heading, header, spacing, margins, font, and title)? 15. Is the essay at least 2 1/2 full pages in length (with the proper formatting in place)? 16. Is the essay written in a formal, grammatically-correct manner? 17. Does the writer avoid using second person voice in his/her writing (remember that second person voice (you, your) should not be used, unless in the writer's chosen phrase or in dialogue)? 18. Indicate three positive points about the essay. 19. Provide at least one piece of helpful advice that the writer can use as he/she revises his/her essay. Be sure to respond directly to your assigned classmate via this assignment. I have included here directions that explain how to complete your assigned reviews Download directions that explain how to complete your assigned reviews. As you are answering the above-listed 19 questions for each of your assigned classmates, please write in complete sentences, use formal English, and number your responses (1-19). You will be graded on clearly, fully, and accurately answering all questions. Due Date/Times: There are two required parts to this activity: 1. Your complete Peer Review rough draft is due on January 27, by 11:59 p.m. CST. 2. Your responses to two assigned classmates' essays are due on January 28, by 11:59 p.m. CST. Because of this quick turnaround, this assignment will remain accessible through 12:00 p.m. CST (noon) on January 29, should you need a little extra time to complete your responses without penalty. It will close and no longer be accessible at that time, though (12:00 p.m. CST (noon) on January 29)). If you do not provide responses for your two assigned classmates, then you will not receive credit for this assignment, and you may not be permitted to participate in our next Peer Review session. The rubric used to grade this assignment is posted here. Download The rubric used to grade this assignment is posted here. PreviousNext

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Life is a series of journeys and sometimes the journeys can be best defined with the help of certain phrases that help us to keep going. Such a phrase that helped me a lot is the phrase “carpe diem” which means “seize the day”. I came across this phrase when I watched the movie “Dead Poet’s Society” back in school. Since then, the phrase has been helping me with difficult times. I feel this phrase is very important and beneficial to all of us as it not only gives us motivation but also helps us get through difficult times, live to the fullest and help others.